Unless you live comfortably as a member of the 1%, chances are you are attempting to be financially savvy by implementing a budget and adhering to it. The world costs money and we can only work ourselves to death so often before we really do die in our boots.
In order to be ready to put in those long hours either during your commute or at the office you need to make sure you're getting a good night's sleep. There are several variables that will impact your sleep health: your stress level, whether or not you consume drugs or alcohol before sleep and your overall sleep health. Many people have unhealthy relationships with their sleep which impacts their productivity during the day. Do you snore? Are you sure? Maybe no one has ever told you that you snore, but you still wake up feeling tired and like you didn't get a wink at all.
This can be very dangerous for your health. You can face other problems that can end up costing you a lot of money:
ASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) declared that 29.4 million of residents in the country are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. Sadly, only 20% of them know about it. In effect, the country spends $149.6 billion dollars for the treatment and the long term health consequences that results from it. If sleep apnea is not treated, this will significantly reduce the productivity of the individual. Numbers of vehicular accidents will also rise and workplace injuries.
Sleep apnea results to daytime sleepiness once untreated. This can be very risky, especially to drivers since they will be prone to road accidents 5 times more than those who don't have any snoring issues. Hence, they will be more vulnerable to crash on the road.
Sleeping with someone who snores can be very irritating. And you can't just take this for granted since this can be a symptom of a serious medical issue. In U.S., one out of 10 people has this problem which costs the country billions of dollars per year.
'In sleep apnea, the mouth's muscles do not work properly. Hence, every short period of time, the person stops breathing', said Dr. Jennifer Caudle; a family medicine doctor in New Jersey. Sometimes, the person does not even know he has sleep apnea, Caudle said. Not knowing that you have this condition will put you in trouble. Once you stop breathing, you will snore, disrupting your normal sleep pattern. As a result, you will experience sleepiness and fatigue. If left untreated, this results to increased blood pressure, obesity, heart ailment and diabetes.
Via: http://www.newswatchngr.com/snoring-costs-the-country-149-6-billion-dollars-annually-66551
Medical care isn't cheap and the longer you ignore a problem the worse, and more expensive, it will get. There are simple ways to deal with snoring, if that's the affliction you suffer from. First and foremost you should meet with a sleep specialist and get yourself tested. You may need a referral from your primary health care provider. Your healthcare provider can also discuss various options with you. A mouthpiece like the ZQuiet (review here) may help alleviate your snoring if that is your issue.
Maybe you suffer from a sleep disorder because you have a lot of stress in your life. Or maybe you're a bit overweight and need help losing the pounds. Whatever the case may be, speaking to a professional and getting some insight and assistance is the first thing that should be on your list.
Once you've identified the problem, you can work on the solution. The faster you catch it the better off you'll be. This way you can save your hard earned money for something more gratifying, like that deluxe edition convertible or that expensive pair of shoes. Whatever your guilty pleasure is, wouldn't it be nice to have a bit more cash to spend on it?
Can You Afford to Ignore Your Snoring? is courtesy of http://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/
via http://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/blog/can-you-afford-to-ignore-your-snoring